
Love Is...In Your Bedroom

Or Kitchen for that matter (for the Cookie Sutra, people!! Geez!).

The winners of my Eden Fantasys 'adult store' giveaway and complimentary Cookie Sutra giveaway courtesy of the very lovely ZoeyJane are:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-01-30 15:54:44 UTC

Heather as the grand prize winner and my very own Rice Cracker, BusyDad!! Woot, woot!

If you didn't win and would still like to find a sexy or romantic gift, check out the gifts and kits for couples section! Or if you're more of a solo (or single) gal, check this out. Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Now! Take 15% off your purchase with the code MOM691 thanks to Eden Fantasys! (Through 2/27/09!)


Miss said...

BWAHAHA. Could that be any more perfect for him?

Anonymous said...

SWEET so I won the cookies having sex book? Awesome!!! Thanks Vdog and ZJ!

Al_Pal said...

Heee. Rawk!

Sarah said...

Congrats to Heather!

Zoeyjane said...

So what would have happened if Busy Dad had come in first?

Anonymous said...

I'm an ass for taking so long to get here! Thank you SO much! I AM SO EXCITED!

I sent you a DM via twitter!
Thank you again!

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