Do you ever wake up and just feel, in your heart of hearts, that the day is just going to be a complete and total housejob*? And despite your best feeble efforts to have an attitude change, your heart still races ever so slightly when you think of the impending housejobs?
Today I feel like I've got too much to take care of and too many people to make happy. I know everyone makes their OWN happiness, so why I feel like I can affect the outcome of other people and at the same time housejob my own is most likely what people call irony. Only it's probably not REALLY irony just what people think irony means.
Confused yet? So is my brain right now. The thing that is getting me most (besides the fact that I probably won't get a shower in today) is that quite likely the Little Man's nap will get farked for one reason or another, and I can barely stand the thought of a day without a good nap. Also, there's a marker missing, and I can't stand just having the cap sitting there mocking me, saying, "neener, neener, bet ya can't find my mate! There's TOTALLY gonna be washable brown marker all over EVERYTHING by the time you find it! HAHA!"
That is all. Carry on.
*A housejob is another way of saying clusterf*ck, everything's effed up, going wrong, turned out wrong, or is JUST NOT RIGHT.
Say it with me VDog, "I could so use a beer or three right now."
Really? Cool. I'll be right over.
I think we might be having the same day.
Oh we are drinking these problems away? I'm in. *hug* It will be ok. Are the markers washable?
Umm. It erased my comment. So, what I said, before it rudely deleted me was that even if it's hormones talking, you are totally allowed to spew on your blog.
Sorry you are in a know what would make you feel better? Going to the post office and mailing me my pink furry purse. LOL..OK, tell me you smiled a little bit...a smirk? See your day is better already knowing that you don't have to make ME feel better cause you know that I know that you'll get to it eventually...
Man, I hear ya. I'm having a similar day/week/month/quarter (take your pick). If someone looks at'cha cross-eyed you start crying because DANG! you're just trying to be nice and why are they hatin' on you and when can it be your turn to NOT be selfless and have things go your way for just. one. day.
So big hugs, hun, and even bigger hopes that LM takes a nap so you get a well-deserved break (or time to find that wicked marker! geez I hate that, too!).
And I like to call ClusterF***s Hose-Jobs. Must be like the old Po-Tay-Toe/Po-Tah-Toe thing. ;)
Take a deep breath. Make your list of to dos. Rank them in priority of what needs to get done. And make sure you insert a beer in between every other one.
breathe. count to 10.
then have one of those beers.
Oh, honey. That sums up about 5 years of my life. My stay at home mom years were not the idyllic shangri-la that I had imagined they would be. So hard.
Whatever you do, don't watch the news today. ;)
I fear the nap cut short! I tiptoe around our creaky ass wood floors so I won't wake her up and then the dog barks at the mailman and it's all ovah! Grrrr! I hope your day gets easier :)
I've had that feeling happening all of August (a carry over from June and July). I really have nothing to be like that about - what happens if we actually decide to bring a child in this world? I've been pondering that alot lately - and have this overwhelming feeling I will fail and cause my child to seek many dollars worth of therapy to undo all the wrong I did. I don't think men ever think of that.
I hope your funkiness passes quickly and Little Man sleeps in tomorrow!
Thanks for the defining housejob for me - you and all your fang-dangled words...keeps me guessing.
Hope your day got better nad that Little Man slept for you.
Aw, hang in there VDog. You're the best mommy i know and you're allowed to have days like this. Love the marker mocking story though. You're so funny.
sometimes ya gotta chew your own arm off
1st let me say I love the LOLcat comment greeting - yoo iz kewl like dat.
2nd I know that heart racing, pit in tummy fear of a craptastic day. For me it's called MonTuesWedsThursFriday.
3rd, well there is no 3rd ... I just like odd numbers. BUT I don't like missing marker caps.
*HUGS* Sorry your day felt housed. ;s
Hope that mocking marker turned up. (or at least isn't getting on EVERYTHING.)
Love you!!!
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