
Project Support Beauty In Nature

Sarcastic Mom has been running a series on "going green" and helping our Earth for some time now called "Project Support Beauty In Nature." I've been meaning to post on it, and well, you know VDog, I'm a procrastinator and not very good at getting blog writing done. Here goes...

All year we have been recycling our food scraps in a city-run composting program. It's really easy to do and significantly decreases the amount of trash in our can each week. It's great for our city, too, because all of the food scraps get turned into mulch for the city's trees, plants and gardens.

Basically any scrap of food -- banana peel, peach pit, chicken bones, gristle off a steak -- that's not liquid can be placed in our "little green bin" which we have on our kitchen counter. Any paper that's been touched by food, such as pizza boxes, milk cartons and wax paper, can be included with the scraps as well. Now if you're a home composter, you'll probably have to leave those larger paper items out.

We line our can with a "food waste" sized BioBag to keep the stink out of the can itself. Once the can is full, we take it out to the curb and put it in our BIG green bin, which we also put yard and plant trimmings in for recycling. If your city doesn't have a municipal composting program like ours, write the City Council and urge them to consider adding one! You could also get a simple at-home composting bin and reap the rewards for your own yard.

I have to say that it is very satisfying to know that all of our previous "waste" is now going to good use -- going straight back to the earth, where it came from -- and that's definitely "going green."


dawn224 said...

I keep thinking I should be able to throw vegetable stuff in my lawn clippings - if I had a garden I'd throw it in there!

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

DUDE! That is AWESOME! I'm totally looking into that! I want to compost at home once we buy, but while we're renting, I'd love to do that! Yay!

su said...

Interesting.. I compost for my gardens, but had always read NO meat or dairy, so they must be heat processing in some way to avoid the pink slime mold.

VDog said...

Our city uses what is known as an "industrial" composter...so yeah, if you're doing home composting, the rules are probably a bit different.

Another reason to encourage your city to start a composting program!

Karen said...

That's cool! We have nothing like that here but I've been meaning to start a compost heap for the garden. You've inspired me, girl!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

How cool! Always wanted to do composting but our yard is so small...I should probably just shut up and do it already!

Al_Pal said...

Hooray for composting!
We save the 'good stuff' for our own garden, but put the pizza boxes, meat & bones, etc, in the big yard waste bin. :D

180360 said...

I wish we had something like that here! Every city should. Thankfully, I have my own compost bin!

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