Ummmm...dude. Just realized you never took a picture of me with Carl. What gives?
You think being so generous (by giving me a camera for keepsies) and supportive (by letting me glom onto you whenever I needed to) and all around luverly (by just being you) means I don't need a picture with Carl.
(I know you that YOU knew I was a bit camera shy. *mwah*)
I love the Carl shots, hope you had fun at BlogHer.
Sooooo totally bummed, yo.
But, Yay @ seeing Jennifer, and Woot @ Maria!
Hehe...glad you all had fun with Carl! Can't wait to hear about the weekend!
Hurrah! & LM's hair is gettin wavy again! :P
Heeee at Carl. I checked out Janet's post last night. ;)
now that? is a riot!
oh that carl. what a playa!!
Looks like you are having fun at Blogher, funny I recognised Dawn from 'Because I said so" immediately!! :P
Ummmm...dude. Just realized you never took a picture of me with Carl. What gives?
You think being so generous (by giving me a camera for keepsies) and supportive (by letting me glom onto you whenever I needed to) and all around luverly (by just being you) means I don't need a picture with Carl.
(I know you that YOU knew I was a bit camera shy. *mwah*)
Who gets Carl next?
There was supposed to be a question mark at the end of the second paragraph. I'm anal.
DAWN!!!!! I love me some Dawn, and to see her with CARL? Gah... My week is complete. And now I'm quadruple jealous.
I'm wiht whole lot of week is complete seeing Dawn w/Carl. :D
Sheesh - not only did you get to go to BlogHer and hang with all the cool kids, but you hung out with Carl too? Some gals have all the luck. ;)
Wish I were Carl.
My fly swatter is such a BIG BOY! He totally whored himself out!
Aw, looks like so very much fun!!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :(
Ok, :) for you!
Carl is such an attention whoring fly swatter.
Glad you had a great time, even if it was without me!
Fun pics~looks like everyone's having fun!
Yay!! I love my purple wine stained teeth.
LOVED meeting you, I wish we could have hung out more...
I didn't meet Carl:( It was awesome meeting you though!
You didn't say bye. :(
Perfect ending photo!
So glad I got to meet you. And Carl of course!
You crack me up! It was great to see you. Let's do it again minus all the sessions and stuff. Just the hanging part. :-)
I did not get a chance to say goodbye and tell you how AWESOME you are!!!!
Wow! I had heard stories about Carl's amorous ways . . . but really.
BTW, you little guy. Wowza. What a cutie.
dood - the pic of you and CM I tty thought was me - again!
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