
Phthalates, Bisphenol-A, and PBDE's - Oh My!

Mom-101 wrote about this yesterday, the same day I received this well put together email from a mommy friend (and neighbor) of mine:

I've mentioned to many of you about my concerns about everyday environmental contaminants and [how they affect my son] (or maybe you called me when I was freaking out and throwing out all our tupperware and plastic wrap to avoid phthalates & PVC in my breast milk). I thought I'd forward some of the information I've researched regarding (possibly) harmful chemicals. Peruse these links if you are interested. If you are anything like me, the info will upset you. Please bear in mind that research about the effects of these chemicals is still young. Most of
us were exposed to many of these chemicals and worse, yet we've survived to adulthood. Okay, enough disclaimers… here are the links:

Inside Bay Area article - this is a short, reasonable overview of a few areas of concern.

Skin Deep - this is a comprehensive review of personal care products. Click on the categories listed at the top to view their evaluation of specific products. I recommend starting with only one or two of the products you use…it can be overwhelming. I plan to replace "bad" products with better products as they run out. The database also lists whether each company tests on animals (as crossed listed by PETA). Nice to have it all in one place, if you are concerned about both chemicals and critters. Ladies- see also the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics for more info on cosmetic specific concerns. Ed: These are fascinating!

MOMS- Environment California page on toxic baby bottles.
Also, SafeMilk.org - I find this site most useful for learning about advocacy, rather than research.

TOY BUYERS- Environment California page on toxic toys.

Another site that has helpful info on many topics is The Green Guide. It provides a wealth of info on the personal health and environmental impacts of various products, chemicals, etc. What I really like about this site, as opposed to others that kept me up all night, is that after it gives you a good scare, it offers solutions. There are shopping tips, product recommendations (and warnings), as well as additional referrals and resources if you want to do more in depth research.

For example, here's solutions page for laundry products and solutions for toys.

There are also archived articles on creating "green" kids rooms, infant & child care, reducing dioxins in milk, safe cleaning products, etc.

It is reassuring to me to know that there are things that I can control & change to make our home a bit safer for [our family], because there are so many more that I can't. I am no longer freaking out. I just have a very long list of things to do.

Edited and redacted to include hot links and exclude personal information.

This SFGate article has a balanced narrative with other informative links at the bottom.

I've heard that polypropylene (aka PP, #5 recycling symbol) bottles are safe. Medela makes PP bottles. I've also looked at my GladWare and Ziploc tupperware, and they are made out of PP.

Also, here is an article which summarizes the recent news of lead in toys and bibs.

Check out the links and inform yourself. Some of it is truly shocking, while some if it I find totally intriguing (like the cosmetic/body product safety info).

You can pull your fingers out of your ears and stop yelling "LALALALALA, I can't hear you!!" when you find out there are things you can do to reduce your exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals.

Thanks to my neighbor for doing so much leg work and helping to inform us all. :)


ImpostorMom said...

I forwarded the information from Mom-101's post to my husband to gauge whether or not I was overreacting to the bottle thing. He told me to go buy Booger new bottles. He told me to spend money so I knew I wasn't overreacting. :) I did more research yesterday afternoon and then found one brand of bottle in town that didn't have the BPAs in them. I bought four and those 4 cost as much as one of the Dr. Brown's I had to throw in the trash when I got home. :|

I did notice that all the Gerber baby food plastic containers have 7s on them as well. Just great.

Jennifer said...

I'm freaked, but I should be.

Thanks for the links,I'm going to show these to my husband.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too was very unpleasantly surprised to find that Gerber is using type 7 plastic for its baby food. In fact, our grocery store stocks ORGANIC Gerber in plastic, but non-organic in glass. GO FIGURE!!! These people have their heads . . . buried in the sand, to put it more politely!

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