
More (Cuteness) Than A Mother Can Take

Oh, the cuteness this week. I attempted some other shots but ultimately decided to go with what I know -- shots of the Little Man. In other news, I have most likely dislocated if not broken my left pinky toe today, but I will hopefully have it popped back into place by my ER doc neighbor. Good times.

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(This one reminds me of a face Alexis does)


Anonymous said...

Little Man rocks. Big fan here, big fan! Have a great Labor Day, VDog!

Rachel said...

That is a ridiculous amount of cuteness, that's for sure.

Love that hair and that skin!!!

MarĂ­a said...

Gawd he's cute. I want his hair back, but I know you're raising a nice respectable young man. :)

Anonymous said...

Please tell me he isn't eating a unicorn. Cause that would totally break my heart.

Ouchies re the toe. I so know how that feels babe!

Manager Mom said...

He sort of reminds me of a very young Tom Hanks in that last photo. I think you have a budding movie superstar on your hands.

Anonymous said...

As usual, little man is the definition of cute, but I read some older posts, I too am a procrastinator of sorts and am behind...anyway, what is all this talk of Vdog, thought you were her. I so confused! And who is to take that adorable creature out for trick or treating if Mommy is so afraid of the dark? Better put your game face on, cuz I know he will be sportin a much photograhable costume, hate to miss it! Misty

VDog said...

@BusyDad Thanks! Hope you have a great Labor Day, too!

@Rachel @ImmoralMatriarch - YES! The cuteness! And the hair is coming back!

@Kelley - It's a cow. ;) So no worries.

@ManagerMom - YES! The GranCracker has been saying that Little Man looks a bit like a young Tom Hanks! I sure hope he becomes a big movie star (well only sorta), then he can take care of his parents! And buy us a house on Lake Como or something!

@Misty - Yes, I am THE VDOG. Sometimes I refer to myself in the third person. Because I'm cheeky like that. The In The Dark post you're referring to is a guest post from Diana at Of the Princess and the Pea. NOT by VDog. Although I am slightly afraid of the dark....

Thanks for spending part of your holiday weekend at the Casa de Cracker, peeps!

Anonymous said...

That boy is too gorgeous for his own good. Why? Because I bite babes that are too gorgeous for their own good!

Anonymous said...

Definitely cuteness! ♥ all of these but my fave is the 8th one~SO cute!

Burgh Baby said...

That's totally an Alexis face! All the cutest kids are doing it, obviously.

Great photos!

Laski said...

Oh my word . . . that is just way too much cuteness for one post.

And wow . . . that hair. Those eyes. That smile. Killer combo!

Anonymous said...

Aw, so very cute! He really just keeps getting more adorable.

Al_Pal said...

Yup, way too much cute! :D
Loving the photos!

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