
Before the Cut...

Some pre-haircut photos for your enjoyment (also taken with the "old" camera ~ a Sony CyberShot), and some business at the end.

Please, Mommy? Can I have the camera??


Pweeettty Pweeeese??


Maybe just the camera case then?


Do you see that up there? It's mah own daht com! VDogBlog.com! w00t!

You won't have to do anything to update your feeds or links, it will all be automatically forwarded for you. I wanted it to be easier to remember and type, and hey! It rhymes!

I know that eventually the name of the blog may change since the Little Man won't always be a little man, and with the possibility of a sibling in the next few years, I'm not sure that "VDog, Little Man & Baby, too" has the same ring to it.

I have a new button! See that over on the top right? Somehow the bloggy gods decided that my humble little blog was good enough for Alltop.com. I am truly honored to be included in a group with such esteemed bloggers.

Third, a little linky love for my girl Janet ~ she had a hilarious Weekly Winners yesterday featuring the wacky but loveable Carl, who is coming to Casa de Cracker next!


Anonymous said...

I know Carl is going to love it at the Casa de Cracker. He's been anticipating hitting on all the wummans of the "event."

Texasholly said...

Congrats on the .comness! yeah.
Congrats on AllTop.com! YEAH!

The pictures are sooo cute.

the planet of janet said...

wow. you are hittin' the bigtime!!!!!


(and that child is so stinkin' cute it makes my inactive ovaries ache!)

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

Yippee Skippee!!!

BusyDad said...

Woohoo on the .com! And really, you've always been "alltop" in my book. And Little Man looks good with his new haircut, you just have to get used to his clean cut look. It took us a while as well when we chopped Fury's wild locks off.

Suzie said...

Great pics. I love the angle. Reminds me of looking at my little one whineing.

Manager Mom said...

so what's the new hairstyle gonna be? Mohawk? Mullet? Clooney?

Manager Mom said...

so what's the new hairstyle gonna be? Mohawk? Mullet? Clooney?

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, movin' up.

He's so cute whining. Of course I say that not having to be the one hearing the whining. :)

Al_Pal said...

Woo and Hoo at all the bloggy excitement!
And yeah, he is awfully cute whining...though it is sadder in person, I must admit. :P

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