ImpostorMom was kind of enough to bestow these TWO awards (TWO, PEOPLE!!) upon me at the same time. How awesome is that? I thankee kindly, me lady!Since I received them together, I'm gonna hand them out together. Double the lurve, double the fun!
I deem these ladies lurved by me, and true Blogging Stars:
Cate at Monkeys and Marbles -- also a parent of a preemie; she has two boys and writes about what I'll be dealing with in a few short years. She is simply fabulous.
Angie at A Whole Lot of Nothing -- in a short amount of time, she has truly become a Blogging Star. And I <3 her.
Sheri at My Minivan Is Faster Than Yours -- Sheri has only been blogging since May 2007, but by writing hilarious posts and carpet bombing the mommyblogosphere with comments that beg you to click on her (blog) name, she has become a veritable Blogebrity. Sheri also has a preemie, Crusher, who was a 32 weeker just like the Little Man. I <3 her blog, and love to see how well Crusher is doing now that he's three years old -- I can only hope that Little Man does just as well.
Mishi at Secret Agent Mama -- Mishi is a long-time blogger and a new cre8Buzz friend. Her blog name is awesome (we love us some spy movies up in here) and she is just a cool chick overall.
Mom-Chatter -- she was able to redesign her blog, template and all, by herself. Which makes her a true Star in my mind. She's also my reality TV buddy, so I <3 her totally.
Dana at Life Turned Upside Down -- Dana is one sweet lady. She shows me lots of blog love, commenting frequently, and she has THE MOST hilarious "About Me" section EVER. Go check it out.
Megan at Velveteen Mind -- she writes beautifully, rallies the troops and is a good blog friend. She makes you think she's like, totally all intellectual and stuff, what with that thick book on her banner, but then she goes and says things like, "Let's whip 'em out." Which is why I <3 her blog.
Show these ladies some love and pay them a visit. Tell 'em VDog sent ya.
Awwwwwwwwwwww thanks VDog! I think you are the shiznit, my bloggy friend!
What do I have to do now, turn around and give these out now?
Oh, you are soo schweeeet! I needed some luvin today (especially after what my son said to me this morning, which I just posted). Thanks!
You also have an Egel Nest award over at Nap Warden's place! are cleaning up!
The Egel Nest
Shucks... that's so nice of you to think of me! Thank you! After all the craziness going on here today, it's VERY much appreciated! You're the best! :)
Oh wait... I just realized that I didn't give you a CONGRATULATIONS! (It's the 'Blogging Star,' it's blinding me.) Anyway, CONGRATS... I <3 your blog and you are definitely a star... you totally deserve both these awards! :)
I LOVE you back!
what's up? No love???
Congrats! Well deserved!
Congratulations to you and thank you! I heart your blog, too!
And am I the only one that thinks we should be wearing supa-fly collars in order to accept that Blogging Star award? Funny thing is, my wedding dress, which was my mother's, actually did have a supa-fly collar on it. Classic.
PS- You know I really really wanted that I heart Your Blog one. You are awesome... and such a sucka fool! Right, intellectual what? Intellectual who?
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